Tarzana Pedestrian Accident Attorneys

Pedestrian accidents in Tarzana can cause devastating harm to you and those you love. Injuries suffered can impact your health, mobility, and income, now and for years to come. Sadly, these accidents often could have been avoided but for the motorist's negligence. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the caring support and comprehensive representation you need to hold them accountable.   

Our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys are available 24/7 to provide trusted legal guidance in filing a claim. We fight to get you compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other costs, with top case results totaling millions of dollars. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today to request a free consultation.   

Our Tarzana Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Get Compensation For Your Injuries 

Pedestrian accidents in our area are a serious problem. According to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, the pedestrian accident rate is higher here than in any other county in the country. Unfortunately, personal injuries in these accidents are often severe and potentially life-threatening.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we get victims and their families the compensation needed to recover. Our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys take legal action to hold at-fault drivers responsible. Common pedestrian accident injuries suffered by clients in cases we handle include:  

  • Injuries involving the lower extremities, such as broken legs, dislocated hips, pelvic fractures, and crushing injuries; 
  • Injuries to the upper body, such as broken arms, dislocated shoulders, fractured vertebrae and herniated discs, and crushing injuries, and internal injuries; 
  • Injuries to the head, face, or neck, including facial fractures, traumatic brain injuries, severe lacerations resulting in permanent scarring, and spinal cord injuries.  

How Common Are Pedestrian Accidents In Tarzana?  

Despite aggressive law enforcement efforts, pedestrian accidents in Tarzana continue to pose serious problems. According to the LAPD Valley Traffic Division, these crashes have claimed the lives of close to 30 people in San Fernando Valley during the first eight months of 2023 alone, representing an increase of nearly 23 percent.  

The reckless actions of motorists typically cause these accidents. Behaviors on their part that can put you and your loved ones at risk include:  

  • Distracted driving, including texting or otherwise using cell phones; 
  • Driving under the influence, involving alcohol, recreational drugs, or certain medications; 
  • Failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks; 
  • Running red lights and stop signs; 
  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions.  

If you suffer personal injuries due to reckless behavior on the part of drivers, reach out to Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys act as a strong legal ally on your side to get the compensation you deserve.   

How Do I File A Tarzana Pedestrian Accident Claim?  

The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requires motorists to maintain a mandatory amount of automobile insurance. If you suffer pedestrian accident injuries in Tarzana, you may be entitled to compensation through the at-fault driver's policy. Rather than attempting to deal with these companies on your own and getting less than what you need to recover, get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers on your side.  

Our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys have extensive experience dealing with these companies and can aggressively negotiate to get you the maximum settlement. If they are uninsured or their policy fails to cover all your costs, we can take the driver to court. Compensation available in a Tarzana pedestrian accident lawsuit includes:  

  • Payment of all current and future medical testing, treatment, follow-up care, and rehabilitation; 
  • Reimbursement for current lost wages and future lost earnings in the event of short or long-term disabilities; 
  • Additional amounts designed to punish the at-fault driver and compensate you for pain and suffering, scarring or disfigurement, and any lost enjoyment in life you experience.  

What If I Am Injured In A Pedestrian Hit And Run Accident in Tarzana?  

At-fault drivers often attempt to flee the scene of pedestrian accidents in Tarzana out of fear of being arrested and to avoid financial liability. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our legal team takes swift action to identify them and hold them accountable. Steps we take as part of hit-and-run investigations include:   

  • Working with local law enforcement; 
  • Revisiting the scene to gather additional evidence; 
  • Reviewing surveillance footage available; 
  • Talking to witnesses, local mechanics, and others in the community.  

Once we identify the driver, we can take them to court and help ensure any final judgments get paid. As our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys typically work on a contingency basis, there are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request a Free Consultation Today 

When pedestrian accidents in Tarzana result in serious personal injuries, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers get you the compensation needed to recover. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Tarzana pedestrian accident attorneys online. Request a free consultation today.