Tarzana Brain Injury Attorneys

Brain injuries in Tarzana can happen in any accident and are a leading cause of death and long-term disability. When they occur due to the negligence actions or inactions of others involved, you have the right to hold them liable for losses you and your family suffer. To get the total amount you are entitled to, get Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. on your side.    

Our experienced Tarzana brain injury attorneys are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to provide the caring support and comprehensive legal representation needed in filing a claim. Top case results show our proven ability to obtain settlements and jury awards totaling millions on behalf of injured victims. To protect your rights, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation.  

Common Causes Of Brain Injuries: Cases Our Tarzana Brain Injury Attorneys Handle 

As one of the most common types of accidental injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can occur due to violent bumps, blows, or jolts to the head. Kaiser Permanente warns that this can cause bruising, swelling, and tearing of brain tissues, impacting neural pathways. Physical, emotional, and cognitive impairments that occur as a result can impact your health for long months or years after.  

When brain injuries happen due to the reckless behavior of others, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. holds those at fault accountable. Our Tarzana brain injury attorneys act as strong legal advocates on your side, helping you get the compensation you need to recover. Common causes of brain injuries in cases we handle include:  

  • Car accidents, involving motorists, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians; 
  • Truck accidents, which are common on major roads throughout our area; 
  • Public transit accidents, involving buses, trains, and Uber or Lyft; 
  • Premises liability accidents, such as falls or getting struck by objects in stores, restaurants, amusement parks, or other public places; 
  • Product liability cases, construction site accidents, or any accident in which the negligence of others is to blame.  

What Are Common Symptoms Of Brain Injuries In Tarzana?  

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) reports that nearly 8,000 people suffer brain injuries in Los Angeles County due to accidents each year. Even a seemingly minor brain injury in Tarzana can have major impacts on your health. However, symptoms are likely to be subtle at first. These may include: 

  • Momentary loss of consciousness after an accident; 
  • Feeling confused or disoriented; 
  • Having difficulty maintaining balance and lack of coordination; 
  • Problems communicating or understanding what is being said; 
  • Seeing double or having blurred vision; 
  • Chronic and severe headaches; 
  • Personality changes, such as increased anger and irritation; 
  • Insomnia and other changes in usual behavior.  

Whenever a head or brain injury is suspected, seek medical care immediately. Injuries suffered can be life-threatening and often result in long-term disabilities. In the days after your accident, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Our Tarzana brain injury lawyers provide the trusted legal guidance needed to protect your rights in a claim.  

How Do I Get Compensation For Tarzana Brain Injuries?  

Brain injuries in Tarzana can have major impacts on your health, requiring ongoing care and rehabilitation while preventing you from working or enjoying activities with family and friends.  

Under Section 1714 of the California Civil Code, everyone is responsible for their behavior. When the reckless and negligent actions or inactions of others cause you to suffer brain injuries in Tarzana, you have the right to hold them accountable. While you focus on yourself and the recovery process, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers take the legal actions needed to get you compensation.  

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to file an insurance claim against those at fault. Our Tarzana brain injury attorneys are skilled negotiators and have extensive experience dealing with these companies. We communicate with insurance representatives on your behalf, fighting to get you the maximum amount in a settlement. Suppose insurance is unavailable or fails to cover your costs. In that case, our legal team can guide you in filing a brain injury lawsuit. Common types of compensation available include:  

  • Economic damages, covering current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and other actual costs; 
  • Non-economic damages, such as pain, suffering, lost enjoyment in life, and other intangible losses; 
  • Exemplary damages, an additional amount punishing those at fault, which we can push for in cases of gross negligence.  

Request A Free Consultation With Our Tarzana Brain Injury Attorneys  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we protect the rights of brain injury victims in Tarzana and their families, helping them get the total amount of compensation they are entitled to in a claim. Our legal team typically handles cases on a contingency basis, so there are no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS today or contact our Tarzana brain injury attorneys online to request a free consultation.