Sun Valley Truck Accident Attorneys

Truck accidents in Sun Valley can cause devastating harm to motorists. Personal injuries suffered in these crashes can impact your health and ability to work or engage in your favorite hobbies and activities for years after. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we determine how the accident happened and hold those at fault accountable for your losses. 

Our Sun Valley truck accident attorneys have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients in these cases. We provide the comprehensive legal service you need in filing a claim, with top case results showing millions of dollars in jury awards and settlements. To get the compensation you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.   

Common Causes Of Truck Accidents In Cases Our Sun Valley Truck Accident Attorneys Handle 

According to the National Safety Council, truck accidents in California claim the lives of more than 400 people each year, ranking us among the top three most deadly states. They leave thousands of other victims suffering severe, potentially disabling personal injuries. Our central location in the San Fernando Valley and proximity to downtown Los Angeles increases the risk for local drivers.  

Truck accidents in Sun Valley are common on Interstate 5 and the 210, as well as on less heavily traveled highways throughout the area. When sharing the road with a tanker truck, tractor-trailer, or any other type of big rig, it is important to use caution. Even a relatively minor crash could trigger a chain reaction, impacting multiple motorists. Among the leading causes:  

  • Reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver, such as speeding, tailgating, failing to yield, or driving under the influence; 
  • Improperly loaded cargo, which can shift during transit, making the trucker more likely to lose control of the rig; 
  • Mechanical issues, such as tire blowouts, engine seize-ups, and brake failure; 
  • Trucking company negligence, such as not training drivers and overscheduling, increasing the risk of drowsy driving and other dangerous behavior.  

At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Sun Valley truck accident attorneys protect victims' rights in these cases. We provide experienced, professional legal representation in holding those at fault accountable.  

What Are Common Types of Truck Accidents In Sun Valley?  

Negligence is the leading cause of Sun Vallley truck accidents. This means taking actions that put others at risk or failing to take reasonable precautions. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we help you hold the truck driver, the trucking company, and others responsible when you suffer serious personal injuries as a result.  

Our Sun Valley truck accident attorneys can thoroughly investigate to determine how the accident happened and the underlying causes. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports the most common types of truck accidents in the Los Angeles County area include:  

  • Head-on truck accidents, common near freeway entrances and exits; 
  • Jackknife truck accidents, which is when a trucker slams on the brakes and the truck trailer runs up alongside the cab; 
  • Rear-end truck accidents, common on hills and downgrades;
  • Rollover truck accidents, which can happen due to shifting loads and going too fast around curves;
  • Sideswipe truck accidents, common when driving in truck 'no-zones';
  • T-bone truck accidents, which pose significant risks at intersections;
  • Underride truck accidents, among the most fatal crashes, in which lack of underride safety bars cause a vehicle to go directly under the truck trailer.  

How Can I Get Compensation For Sun Valley Truck Accident Injuries?  

Injuries suffered due to truck accidents in Sun Valley have the potential to be severe. When they happen due to the negligence of others involved, you are entitled to compensation in a claim. Our legal team protects your rights throughout the process. We aggressively negotiate with the trucking company and any insurers involved to get you the maximum amount in any settlements.  

In cases where multiple parties are involved, or if the trucking company attempts to dispute your claim, we provide the professional legal representation you need in filing a truck accident lawsuit through the Los Angeles County Civil Court system. Compensation available under the California Civil Code includes:   

  • Economic damages, covering property losses, current and future medical expenses, lost wages, and any future lost earnings or benefits due to ongoing impairments; 
  • Non-economic damages, covering your pain, suffering, mental anguish, and lost enjoyment in life due to your injuries; 
  • Exemplary damages, punishing those at fault and preventing others from engaging in similarly willful and negligent behavior.  

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS And Request A Free Consultation 

Truck accident injuries in Sun Valley can leave you suffering serious harm. To get the total amount of compensation you need to recover, get professional legal representation from Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Sun Valley truck accident attorneys online and request a free consultation.