Sherman Oaks Car Accident Attorneys

Injured in a car accident in Sherman Oaks? Personal injuries in even minor crashes can be severe and may impact you for long months or years after. At Harris Personal Injuries, we help victims and their families get the compensation they need to recover.  

Our Sherman Oaks car accident attorneys provide the caring support and trusted legal guidance  clients need in filing a claim. With case results showing settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars, we can be counted on to hold at-fault drivers accountable. Call 1-800 GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.  

Car Accident Injuries? Contact Our Sherman Oaks Car Accident Attorneys  

Car crashes are sudden, unexpected, and traumatic events. In a split second, the reckless actions of others on the road can leave you suffering serious personal injuries. According to the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), car accidents impact nearly 90,000 drivers and passengers in Los Angeles County each year.   

If you or someone you love is injured in a crash, contact Harris Personal Injury Lawyers. Our Sherman Oaks car accident attorneys act as strong legal advocates on your side, helping you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Common types of injuries suffered by clients in cases we represent include:  

  • Brain injuries, resulting from concussions, skull fractures, or any type of bump or blow to the head; 
  • Burn injuries, which can cause permanent scarring and disfigurement; 
  • Deep cuts and lacerations, resulting in nerve damage and amputations; 
  • Crushing injuries, causing damage to limbs and internal organs; 
  • Injuries to soft tissues, impacting muscles, tendons, or ligaments, resulting in potentially permanent disabilities; 
  • Multiple broken bones, which can impact mobility for years into the future; 
  • Spinal cord injuries, resulting in partial or complete paralysis.  

What Are The Main Causes Of Car Accidents In Sherman Oaks?  

Reports from the California Highway Patrol (CHP) indicate that even relatively minor car accident injuries can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills and other expenses. Why should you have to pay these costs when the reckless actions of other motorists are to blame?   

As seasoned litigators, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the trusted legal representation you need to protect your rights. While you focus on your recovery, our Sherman Oaks car accident attorneys focus on holding at-fault drivers accountable. Common causes of car accidents in cases we handle include:  

  • Distracted driving, such as texting behind the wheel, talking on cell phones, or engaging in any activity that diverts attention from the task of driving.  
  • Driving under the influence, which includes alcohol, recreational drugs, or medications.  
  • Drowsy driving, resulting in impairments similar to driving under the influence.  
  • Failing to follow traffic signs and signals, such as running red lights and failing to yield.  
  • Incidents involving rage and aggressive driving, such as tailgating and improper passing.  
  • Speeding and going too fast for conditions, which the CHP states is a common factor in fatal collisions.  

Improper vehicle maintenance, defective parts, and dangerous road conditions can also contribute to crashes. Our legal team can investigate your case, determine underlying causes, and hold those at fault liable in a claim.  

Why Do I Need An Attorney To Get Compensation For Car Accident Injuries In Sherman Oaks?  

California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) guidelines require that all drivers maintain a mandatory minimum amount of auto insurance coverage. You may be entitled to compensation through your own policy and coverage other drivers have in place. However, dealing with insurance companies is frustrating. As for-profit businesses, they have financial motivation to deny or downplay your claim. Having an experienced Sherman Oaks car accident attorney on your side helps. We aggressively negotiate with insurance representatives with the goal of getting clients the maximum amount in a settlements.  

If the other driver is uninsured, underinsured, or your claim is otherwise disputed, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers can advise you on your rights in filing a car accident lawsuit. Even if you are partially to blame for a car accident, you may still be entitled to compensation under the California Civil Code. This includes:  

  • Current and future medical expenses; 
  • Costs to repair or replace your vehicle; 
  • Lost wages and future losses in earnings and benefits; 
  • Compensation for pain, suffering, scarring or disfigurement, and loss of enjoyment in life; 
  • Punitive damages, which punishes at-fault drivers for particularly negligent behavior.  

To Request A Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today 

Car accident injuries can impact your health for years into the future while leaving you facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial costs. Let Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. help you get the compensation you need to recover. We generally represent clients on a contingency basis, meaning there are no upfront attorney fees. Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Sherman Oaks car accident attorneys online to request a free consultation today.