Seal Beach Car Accident Attorneys

Seal Beach Car Accident Attorneys

Motor-vehicle collisions are a leading cause of catastrophic injury and death in California. Our car accident attorneys in Seal Beach are proud to help victims and their families pursue the funds they need to move on with life. You can reach us 24/7 by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS. The consultation is free, and we won’t charge any attorneys’ fees unless we win your case.

What Might My Claim Be Worth?

If you were seriously injured, it’s likely your costs are adding up at an alarming rate. To make matters worse, your medical condition may have left you unable to work, depriving you of the paychecks you need to start chipping away at this mountain of debt. Understandably, you’re eager to learn what your claim might be worth. However, this is a complicated question with no straightforward answers. Every case is unique, and there might be many factors that your Seal Beach car accident lawyer will have to consider and thoroughly investigate before he or she is able to estimate a fair settlement. Here are a few questions your attorney may ask:

  • Did You Miss Work Due to Your Injuries? If your condition prevented you from returning to work, those lost wages could form part of your potential recovery. The value of these damages can depend on a range of factors including how long you were left on the sidelines, your salary before the accident, and whether your condition will affect your income-earning capacity in the future.
  • Did You Make Any Mistakes? You may have strong evidence to prove liability, causation, and damages, but that doesn’t mean you’re over the finish line just yet. Mistakes, errors, and even minor oversights on your part could lead to delays, reductions to your financial award, or even the denial of your claim. For instance, if you posted about your case on social media and inaccurately conveyed that you played some role in causing the accident, the insurance company may argue that they are not liable for your damages. Or, if your doctor instructs you to take time off work to let your injuries heal, but you go against his or her orders, you may face a dispute regarding failure to mitigate damages.
  • Did You Have to Pay for Any Vehicle Repairs? If your personal property was damaged in the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for the cost of replacement or repair. For instance, if you were involved in a collision and your vehicle was wrecked, your attorney may factor the expense of purchasing a new car into the estimated settlement.
  • How Serious Are Your Injuries? Serious injuries or permanent disabilities may warrant more compensation than relatively minor conditions as victims tend to incur significant medical costs and experience greater levels of pain and suffering.

How Our Car Accident Attorneys Can Assist with Your Claim

Before reaching out to a law firm, you will want to know whether hiring an attorney is the right decision for you and your loved ones. Ultimately, you want to be confident that hiring a lawyer won’t just make your life easier but will help you achieve the desired outcome in your case. While no reputable car accident attorney can ever guarantee you a specific verdict or settlement amount, we can promise to do everything in our power to help you obtain a reasonable financial award for the damages you’ve incurred. As part of assisting you with your case, our attorneys can:

  • Estimate a Fair Settlement Based on Your Damages: Determining the potential value of your economic, physical, and psychological losses is one the most important steps in a personal injury case. Our car accident lawyers will work with you and your healthcare providers to calculate the value of your medical bills. If it’s clear you will require medical interventions down the line, we may consult with expert witnesses to approximate fair compensation for such costs. We may advise you to start a personal injury journal to log your pain levels, symptoms, and other elements of your recovery to determine the value of non-economic losses such as pain and suffering.
  • Conduct an In-Depth Investigation: While the insurance company will conduct its own investigation, you cannot rely on their findings alone. Paying out claims affects the insurer’s bottom line, and as such, the claims adjuster may have an incentive to misrepresent certain information to justify reducing or denying your financial award. You should have someone on your side to thoroughly investigate the accident, collect evidence, and compile this evidence to create a strong foundation for your claim going forward. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we are here to represent your interest.
  • Negotiate Your Claim: If the insurance company approves your claim, the next step is agreeing to a settlement. Our lawyers will know whether the insurer’s offer is fair, or the company is attempting to lowball you with an unfavorable amount. Our goal is to help you obtain reasonable compensation that covers your accident-related expenses and accounts for losses you are reasonably likely to incur in the future.
  • Litigate Your Case: If the insurance company or an opposing party refuses to agree to a fair settlement, it may be in your best interests to file a lawsuit. During the discovery phase of litigation, we can collect additional evidence and information that could help strengthen your claim and mitigate potential disputes. Filing a lawsuit also demonstrates to the at-fault party and their insurer that you are taking this seriously. If there’s no other option than to proceed to trial, our seasoned trial lawyers are ready to represent you in court.

Speak with a Seal Beach Car Accident Lawyer Today

Call our 24/7 phoneline at 1-800-GO-HARRIS or send us a message to set up a case review. The consultation is free.