Oakland Train Accident Lawyers

Oakland Train Accident Lawyers Our personal injury and wrongful death attorneys at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers are highly experienced in handling train accident, injury, and fatality claims. If you were injured or lost a loved one in a train accident in Oakland, we recommend you give us a call as soon as possible. There is no reason a train should derail, collide with a vehicle, or be involved in any type of incident. The train, track, and their parts should be carefully designed, assembled, and maintained. The train should be expertly operated and navigated. Railways and crossings should have appropriate signs and warnings. It is only when this is not the case that something goes wrong. It is when a person or business is negligent that train accidents arise and often lead to serious injuries or fatalities. Our Oakland train accident lawyers are here to get to the bottom of what happened. Contact us through our online form or call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to schedule your free consultation.

We Handle All Types of Train Accident Claims

Not all personal lawyers are equipped to handle train accidents. Many firms focus on car and truck accidents. Their teams rarely branch out to other types of motor vehicle accidents, which puts them at a disadvantage during an investigation and potentially tough insurance claim and court processes. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we have specific experience with train accidents. We have helped many train accident victims and surviving families pursue full and fair compensation for their injuries and loss. We have the knowledge, skills, and resources you need to hold negligent train operators and railroad companies responsible for their negligence. Our Oakland train accident attorneys are here to help after:

  • Train derailments
  • Collisions between trains and passenger vehicles
  • Collisions between trains and pedestrians
  • Collisions with objects on tracks
  • Train accidents caused by defective parts or equipment
  • Train accidents caused by negligent maintenance
  • Train accidents caused by negligent operation
  • Train accidents caused by miscommunications
  • Multi-train accidents
  • Fatal train accidents

You may not know what happened and why. Many train accidents are a mystery until the proper authorities have performed a thorough investigation. If you are unsure of what caused the collision, derailment, or other incidents that caused your injuries or loved one’s death, call us right away. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers has experienced cooperating with train accident investigations and performing our own independent investigations and analysis of the evidence.

Various Parties May Be Liable for an Oakland Train Accident

There are numerous businesses that may be liable for the results of a train accident. Our train accident attorneys in Oakland are prepared to get to the bottom of what happened, why was directly at fault, and why is liable for compensating you for your injuries.

Depending on the circumstances, potentially liable parties include:

  • The company that owns and operates the train. The business or municipality that owns the train is responsible for the vehicle’s maintenance as well as its employee’s training, oversight, and performance.
  • The company that owns the tracks. In most cases, a different company owns the railroad tracks. If defective or poorly maintained tracks or switches were the cause of the accident, then we will pursue compensation from the party responsible for the defective equipment.
  • The company that manufactured a train or track part. A defective train, part, railroad track, or other pieces of equipment may be the responsibility of a specific manufacturer. We may file a claim against them based on a design or manufacturing defect.
  • A motorist. A vehicle driver may have caused a collision with a train if they drove on the tracks after ignoring signs and warnings.
  • A pedestrian. An individual may be responsible for a train accident if they negligently, recklessly, or intentionally left objects on the tracks or tampered with the tracks or train.

Let Our Oakland Train Accident Lawyers Help You Prove Your Claim

To receive compensation for your injuries or loss after a train accident, you must prove the other party is at fault. In most cases, you will have to prove negligence on the part of a business or one of its employees. If your case is based on a design or manufacturing defect, you may be able to hold a company strictly liable for the accident and your injuries. No matter the basis of liability, you will need an experienced train accident attorney to gather and analyze the evidence that will help you establish your case. We utilize a wide range of evidence, including:

  • Photos of the aftermath of the crash
  • Videos of the crash and its aftermath
  • Eyewitness statements
  • Business records
  • Employee records
  • Depositions of employees and other relevant parties
  • Train maintenance records
  • Track maintenance records
  • State and federal investigation reports

Train Accident Compensation

We also gather evidence of your physical, emotional, and financial injuries to prove your damages, including:

  • Your medical records
  • Injury photos
  • Diary entries regarding your pain and how the injuries have impacted your life
  • Expert testimony regarding your injuries, vocational options, and financial ramifications of your injuries
  • Your financial records
  • Your medical bills
  • Your receipts for other injury-related expenses

We will pursue the maximum compensation possible for your injuries. To talk with us about your injuries or loss and the value of your claim, call us at 1-800-GO-HARRIS.