Atwater Train Accident Attorneys

Commercial rail service plays a significant role in local development, and commuter trains are expanding throughout Merced County. Unfortunately, this can increase the risk of train accidents in Atwater, which often cause devastating injuries. Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. protects the rights of victims and their families by providing the trusted, local legal service you need to get compensation. 

Our Atwater train accident attorneys are part of an award-winning law firm with offices throughout California. We have extensive experience dealing with train companies and their insurers, with top case results totaling millions in insurance settlements and court judgments. Our office is available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact our legal team at 1-800-GO-HARRIS and request a free consultation today.  

Get Caring Support and Professional Legal Representation From Our Atwater Train Accident Attorneys  

Atwater has become a hub for rail development throughout the region. In 2022, Merced County partnered with Patriot Rail to establish a commercial rail district at Castle Commerce Center. Regarding passenger rail service, Amtrak offers routes for traveling in or out of state, and the California High-Speed Rail Authority is busy expanding throughout the area.  

Between the construction of new tracks and the number of trains passing through our area, train accidents in Atwater are more likely to happen. When they happen to you or someone you love, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the caring support and professional legal representation you need to get compensation in a claim. Our Atwater train accident attorneys help people injured due to the following:  

  • Train crossing accidents impacting motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians; 
  • Train passenger accidents, such as being thrown from your seat or struck by objects during a trip; 
  • Train station accidents, such as falls while boarding or waiting on ramps; 
  • Train crashes, such as rail car overturns, track jumping accidents, and collisions with objects or other trains.   

What Causes Atwater Train Accident Injuries?  

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) reports that over 100 train accidents in California happen each year. Considering the rail activity in our area, Atwater train accidents pose considerable risks and can prove devastating for victims and their families. 

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. has extensive experience helping clients in these cases. We investigate what happened, determine who is at fault, and hold them liable for your losses. Common causes in cases our Atwater train accident attorneys handle:  

  • Reckless operations, such as if the engineer was distracted or under the influence; 
  • Human errors, such as signaling errors and mistakes laying tracks; 
  • Manufacturing mistakes or mechanical failures, such as faulty parts or failure to provide routine train maintenance; 
  • Train company errors, such as improper training, overscheduling employees, and not complying with state or federal safety regulations.  

How Much Is An Atwater Train Accident Claim Worth?  

Being involved in an Atwater train accident can result in serious injuries. These can impact your health, preventing you from working or enjoying hobbies and activities with friends and family members for years to come. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our award-winning legal team helps you get the total amount you need to recover in an Atwater train accident claim.  

The train company and its insurers may be held liable for your losses. Our experienced Atwater train accident attorneys aggressively negotiate on your behalf to ensure the best possible settlement. If the train company refuses to pay or multiple parties are at fault, we provide the trusted, local legal representation you need to file a train accident lawsuit against them.  

The amount you may be entitled to depends on the circumstances involved. Common types of compensation available for Atwater train accident victims under the California Civil Code include:  

  • Economic damages: These cover all tangible costs associated with your accident, including property damages, medical expenses, and lost income and benefits.  
  • Non-economic damages: These cover pain, suffering, and other intangible losses, such as lost enjoyment in life.  
  • Exemplary damages: We can push for this additional amount if the train company or others involved were grossly negligent. Exemplary damages punish those at fault and can represent two to three times the total amount of other compensation.  

To Request A Free Consultation With Our Atwater Train Accident Attorney, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS 

Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. provides the experienced, local legal service you need when train accidents in Atwater happen. We understand what a difficult time this is likely to be for you and your family and typically work on a contingency basis. You get the experienced legal representation you need in dealing with the train company and its insurers, with no upfront costs or out-of-pocket attorney fees. To get the maximum amount you need to recover, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Atwater train accident attorneys online and request a free consultation today.