Alhambra Train Accident Attorneys

Alhambra Train Accident Attorneys

When major train accidents happen, they tend to make national headlines. Other less dramatic incidents happen on a regular basis but are often unreported. Victims in these cases can still end up suffering from serious injuries. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc., we help them get the compensation they deserve. Our Alhambra train accident attorneys have decades worth of combined experience handling all types of cases. Regardless of the size or severity of your train accident, we uncover the underlying causes so that those responsible can be held accountable in a claim. Our top case results include settlements and jury awards worth millions of dollars. To find out how we can help you, contact 1-800-GO-HARRIS today and request a free consultation.

Cases Our Alhambra Train Accident Attorneys Represent

For residents in our area, the Cal State and Alhambra/San Gabriel Metrolink train stations both allow for easy access to trains headed to a variety of destinations. Whether you opt for a commuter trip to Los Angeles or use Amtrak for longer trips, taking the train provides a convenient and cost-effective form of travel. Unfortunately, accidents can and do happen in numerous ways. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, we provide professional legal representation when you or someone you love is injured. Our Alhambra train accident attorneys protect the rights of people who suffer personal injuries as a result of the following:

  • Pedestrian train accidents, which can happen on walkways near tracks and at boarding platforms;
  • Boarding accidents, which occur when passengers are getting on or off the train;
  • Onboard accidents, where passengers are thrown from their seat or struck by objects, such as luggage;
  • Train crashes and collisions, involving other trains, motor vehicles, or stationary objects;
  • Train overturns and derailments, which can happen when trains travel at too high of speeds and jump the track.

What Are The Most Common Causes of Train Accidents?

Even a seemingly minor mishap when boarding or riding on a train can leave you suffering serious injuries. When major train crashes happen, it can have life-threatening impacts on passengers and others in the immediate area.  According to statistics from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), California has the third-highest train accident rate in the country, with as many as 70 train accidents happening each year. As experienced Alhambra train accident attorneys, Harris Personal Injury Law investigates these cases on behalf of our clients. Among the most common factors involved include:

  • Negligent behavior on the part of the train operator or engineer: Speeding, being distracted or being under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medications make train accidents more likely to occur.
  • Mistakes on the part of engineers or train crew and station workers: Signaling delays, confusion over scheduling, and other mistakes often contribute to train accidents.
  • Negligent train company policies: Practices such as not having enough workers, overly demanding schedules, and not providing proper employee training or background checks can put train passengers at risk.
  • Mechanical errors and defects: Improper train maintenance, errors on the part of mechanics, and faulty train tracks, parts, or supplies can play a major role in train crashes.

How Can I Get Compensation For Train Accident Injuries?

When train accidents happen, you can be left with serious injuries that prevent you from working while requiring ongoing and extensive medical care. To get compensation for these and other costs you incur, you have two basic options:

  1. Accept a settlement from the train company.

Train companies typically have teams of attorneys and insurers working on their side to protect them in the event of train accidents and injuries. It is not uncommon for these companies to offer immediate settlements as a way of avoiding ongoing publicity about the incident. However, be aware that their top priority is protecting their bottom line. As a result, any amount offered is likely to be less than what you deserve.

  1. File a lawsuit against the train company or others involved.

Under the California Civil Code, those responsible for your train accident can be held liable in a personal injury lawsuit. In addition to both current and future lost wages and medical expenses, you may also be entitled to additional compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced as well as the loss of enjoyment in life your injuries result in. At Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, our Alhambra train accident attorneys can guide you in the best course of action. Our legal team can negotiate with the train company on your behalf and will not hesitate to file a lawsuit in the event an agreeable settlement cannot be reached.

To Request A Free Consultation, Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS Today

When dealing with train companies, Harris Personal Injury Lawyers, Inc. is a strong legal ally on your side. Let us help you get the compensation you need to recover from train accident injuries. To request a free consultation, call 1-800-GO-HARRIS or contact our Alhambra train accident attorneys online today.