
A serious injury can turn your life upside down in countless ways, affecting your relationships, career, and financial security. If you or a member of your family was harmed in a preventable accident, contact our personal injury attorneys in Gonzales to learn your rights. We represent accident victims throughout Monterey County and surrounding communities. Our law firm has built a reputation on providing aggressive legal services and meticulously investigating each and every case. Schedule a free, confidential case review today by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS.

Types of Accident Claims We Handle in Gonzales, California

  • Bus Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Motorcycle Collisions
  • Pedestrian Injuries
  • 18-Wheeler Accidents
  • Rideshare Vehicle Accidents
  • Boating Injuries
  • Dog Attacks
  • Airplane, Helicopter, & Other Aircraft Accidents
  • Bicycle Accidents
  • Turo Accidents
  • Premises Liability
  • Slips and Falls
  • Scooter Accidents
  • Train Accidents
  • Severe Burns
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Brain Trauma
  • Wrongful Death
  • Other Personal Injuries

When Will My Case Be Resolved?

We won’t be able to estimate the potential duration of your case until we’ve learned the facts of your claim, reviewed the available evidence, and performed a thorough investigation. Personal injury cases can take anywhere from a few months to well over a year to resolve. Here are a just a few factors that might affect the timeline of your claim:

  • The Strength of Your Evidence: Did police attend the scene and draft a report? Did a surveillance system or dashcam record the incident? Were there any eyewitnesses? Did you take photos of the scene? The strength of the available evidence will have a profound impact on whether the insurance company disputes your claim and, therefore, will greatly influence the total duration of your case.
  • Whether There’s Disagreement Regarding Pertinent Facts: Even if your case seems watertight, there’s no guarantee that all parties involved will agree about the pertinent facts. You might be certain that the alleged tortfeasor is liable for your damages, but there are many ways for an insurance company to challenge a claim. For instance, the adjuster might try to argue that you were partially liable, your injury was pre-existing, or you’re exaggerating the severity of your damages. Conversely, if there’s a consensus about what happened, who’s liable, and the value of your claim, your case might take just a few months to resolve.
  • The Value of Your Claim: Like any other business, insurance carriers need to spend their resources efficiently. If you aren’t seeking a significant amount of compensation and your case seems fairly strong, they might not invest much time and effort into challenging your claim. But if you’re pursuing a substantial recovery, the insurer will have more incentive to search for reasons to deny or reduce the value of your claim.
  • How Long It Takes Your Injuries to Heal: Although you might have a rough idea of how much it will cost to treat your injuries, there are many reasons why initial projections can turn out to be far lower than the actual cost. For example, if your treatment is ineffective, your healthcare provider may suggest an alternative, more expensive approach. If you don’t make a full recovery, you may incur future medical bills and lost earning capacity, which can add up to a veritable fortune. This is why it’s usually best to reach maximum medical improvement before entering settlement negotiations, and as such, the amount of time it takes your injuries to heal could affect the duration of your case.

Can I Use Social Media While My Claim Is Pending?

It’s a good idea to stay off social networking websites entirely until your case has been resolved. Any posts about your injury, accident, or claim might be taken out of context by the insurance company and used against you. In fact, even if a post seems entirely unrelated to your claim, it might still be misrepresented by the insurer. Though it can be difficult to stay off social media when you want to keep friends and family informed, it’s a risk that’s just not worth taking—especially if your financial security is on the line. It’s highly advisable that you disable your accounts while your claim is pending. Your Gonzales personal injury attorney can explain other steps you can take to protect your case, such as obeying your doctor’s orders and letting your lawyer handle all correspondence with the insurance adjuster.

Call 1-800-GO-HARRIS to Speak With Our Gonzales Personal Injury Lawyers

Our attorneys offer compassionate yet aggressive legal services to accident victims and their loved ones. We will tirelessly pursue the compensation you deserve, and if we don't win, you won't have to pay any attorney's fees. Our dedication to achieving the best possible outcome in all cases has led to more than $300 million recovered for clients. Schedule a free case review today by calling 1-800-GO-HARRIS or sending us a message online.